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  4. Addressing the Core Unmet Needs to Our Approach for Hepatic Encephalopathy


Addressing the Core Unmet Needs to Our Approach for Hepatic Encephalopathy

West HavEn Criteria—Meaningfulness Into Clinical Practice

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  • Overview

    Presenting a major burden on our healthcare system, hepatic encephalopathy (HE) is a neurologic disorder that frequently affects individuals with chronic and acute liver disease. Characterized by a broad range of neurologic and psychological symptoms, including cognitive impairment, disorientation, sleep disturbances, and mood or personality changes, as liver disease progresses, the symptoms of HE tend to worsen and can lead to coma and death if left untreated. This curriculum aims to improve the referral process from the initial onset of HE to consultation with a hepatologist by increasing knowledge of available tools for the identification, diagnosis, and treatment of HE. Ultimately, this educational program is intended to help narrow the gap in care for the underserved HE population.

    Video education created for patients is available for this topic. Visit to “prescribe” education that helps patients and caregivers learn more about this condition.

  • Target Audience

    This activity has been designed to meet the educational needs of the interdisciplinary team, which includes Gastroenterologists and Hepatologists, as well as other healthcare providers involved in managing patients with Hepatic Encephalopathy (HE).

  • Learning Objectives

    After participating in this educational activity, participants should be better able to: 

    • Identify approaches for clinicians to aid in the symptomatic recognition of HE
    • Improve the referral process to specialists in the initial onset of HE
    • Narrow the gap in care for the underserved population
  • Accreditation and Credit Designation Statements

    In support of improving patient care, this activity has been planned and implemented by Global Learning Collaborative (GLC) and Total CME, LLC. GLC is jointly accredited by the American Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), and the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) to provide continuing education for the healthcare team. 

    This activity was planned by and for the healthcare team, and learners will receive 1.25 Interprofessional Continuing Education (IPCE) credit for learning and change.

  • Disclosure of Relevant Financial Relationships

    Disclosure Policy
    In accordance with the ACCME Standards for Integrity and Independence, Global Learning Collaborative (GLC) requires that individuals in a position to control the content of an educational activity disclose all relevant financial relationships with any ineligible company. GLC mitigates all conflicts of interest to ensure independence, objectivity, balance, and scientific rigor in all educational programs. 

    The following faculty have disclosed:

    Patricia P. Bloom, MD, faculty for this educational event, is a contracted researcher for Vedanta Biosciences; and receives consulting fees from Nexilico.  

    Arun B. Jesudian, MD, faculty for this educational event, is a contracted researcher for Salix, and Camurus; and receives consulting fees from Salix and Dynavax.  

    Robert Rahimi, MD, MSCR, faculty for this educational event, is a contracted researcher for Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals, and Salix.    

  • Planners and Managers Disclosure List

    The following planners/reviewers/managers have disclosed:

    William Mencia, MD, FACEHP, CHCP, reviewer for this educational event, has no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies.

    Total CME, LLC, planners, and managers have no relevant commercial relationships to disclose.

    All the relevant financial relationships for these individuals have been mitigated.

  • Disclaimer

    The views and opinions expressed in this educational activity are those of the faculty and do not necessarily represent the views of GLC and Total CME, LLC. This presentation is not intended to define an exclusive course of patient management; the participant should use their clinical judgment, knowledge, experience, and diagnostic skills in applying or adopting for professional use any of the information provided herein. Any procedures, medications, or other courses of diagnosis or treatment discussed or suggested in this activity should not be used by clinicians without evaluation of their patient's conditions and possible contraindications or dangers in use, review of any applicable manufacturer’s product information, and comparison with recommendations of other authorities. Links to other sites may be provided as additional sources of information. Once you elect to link to a site outside of MedEd On The Go you are subject to the terms and conditions of use, including copyright and licensing restrictions, of that site.

    Reproduction Prohibited
    Reproduction of this material is not permitted without written permission from the copyright owner.

  • Provider(s)/Educational Partner(s)

    Jointly provided by Global Learning Collaborative (GLC) and Total CME, LLC.

  • Commercial Support

    This activity is supported by an independent educational grant from Salix Pharmaceuticals.

  • System Requirements

    • Supported Browsers (2 most recent versions):
      • Google Chrome for Windows, Mac OS, iOS, and Android
      • Apple Safari for Mac OS and iOS
      • Mozilla Firefox for Windows, Mac OS, iOS, and Android
      • Microsoft Edge for Windows
    • Recommended Internet Speed: 5Mbps+

  • Publication Dates

    Release Date:

    Expiration Date:

Schedule12 Mar 2025